wellness, divorce, life after divorce Jaynie Henely wellness, divorce, life after divorce Jaynie Henely

Divorce Anxiety and Panic Attacks: 3 Things To Know

Like divorce isn’t hard enough, let’s throw in a pandemic? Seriously? My nervous system is already fried, thank you very much. My divorced self-esteem is circling the drain and still, my ex is pulling out all of their traditional “greatest hits” of bad behavior. The anxiety feels relentless.

Anxiety and divorce, dating after divorce, covid and divorce?

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wellness, life after divorce Holly Herzog, LPC wellness, life after divorce Holly Herzog, LPC

Healing Self Esteem After Divorce

Maybe you have been there… you believe you have failed at life, you don’t like your body, your clothes and feel that you have little self-expression in your own style. You feel frozen in time with little sense of how to move forward. The dissolution of your marriage may have happened slowly with a gradual loss of your true self and your identity to please your spouse. Your self-esteem has never been lower. Reminds me of the song by Winona Judd, “Rockbottom is just a place to turn around.” Now that you are single, it’s time to get back your mojo. And build a life that excites you to get up to everyday. How do you do that? Read on, McDuff!

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