life after divorce, healthy relationships Holly Herzog, LPC life after divorce, healthy relationships Holly Herzog, LPC

Divorce and Holidays: Coping With Grief

Divorce is particularly painful for most people around Thanksgiving and Christmas. Most of us have at least a few happy memories about past holidays and these are reminders of what we have lost. These positive memories can make you doubt your decision to divorce and ignite that little voice inside that says, “maybe I could have tried x,y,z and it all would have worked out.” If you are a people pleaser, this continuous examination of your part of the past equation may make you weary and feel a little crazy.

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divorce, wellness Holly Herzog, LPC divorce, wellness Holly Herzog, LPC

The Emotional Stages of Divorce: Understanding and Coping With Changes

This blog outlines the emotional stages of divorce from denial through acceptance.

As brutal as a divorce can be, my divorce was a journey of transformation. Interestingly, it was much like walking the Camino de Santiago. A pilgrim sets sights on arriving at the end goal, some with life learnings that are invaluable, transformed by pain and hardship, touched by love and kindness. This was the hope and expectation for my marriage.

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