Grace Untethered

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5 Things You Need to Know to Survive and Thrive After Divorce

As we wrap up 2020 and look ahead to 2021, now is a good time to reflect and look back on where you started and how far you have come. If this was the year you filed for divorce, stand in front of the mirror, pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself for accomplishing what you wrestled with for a long time. We post on social media the many reasons we are happy to see 2020 go, well that also applies to the misery you endured being in a relationship that brought you down. Starting at midnight, toast to you, celebrate your freedom, your bright future and the great person you are now available to meet. Jaynie Henely has been a social worker for over 30 years with a strong focus on psychotherapy. After experiencing a midlife surprise divorce, Henely decided to dedicate herself to helping others navigate the devastating, challenging, and rewarding dynamics of the next chapter of their lives.

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